What do most people have in the palm of their hands today? No, we will not discuss the lines on your hands and what it means. We are talking about what you are looking at right now, which is probably your phone. Well then, yes, your phone can actually hold the information to your true love. With the popularity of online dating on the internet, it could very well be true. Add on the proliferation of dating apps for free, you have all the opportunity to find your one true love and all the happiness that comes along with it. But do online relationships really happen? A connection so special that feelings develop even without physical contact? Let us explore below and find out – more importantly, if you already have an online relationship, HOW to make it flourish and work.


This is the best policy in ANY kind of relationship. Be true to yourself and be true to your partner. Do not hide imperfections and you and your partner will love each other all the more so for it. A warning though – if your purported love looks too good in photos, it probably is. An average person will not hire a pro photographer just to put on their profiles. An unscrupulous hacker would actually, they can get any picture off the web and claim it as their own. But as for yourself take a spontaneous selfie and use it.

online relationship


Communication is Key

Since we are talking about an online correspondence, always ensure that you follow through on conversations and constantly keep communications going. I for one do not believe in being too busy to talk. If you are important enough or vice versa, you will find and create time for you to be able to focus on your partner when they are talking.

Look Forward

In any relationship, it is important to know where it is going. It does not mean labeling anything according to the norms but talking about where your relationship will bring the two of you together acts as a bond that will make it stronger. By doing this, you signify that you are not merely out for a quick hookup but on to something serious. A relationship after all (online or otherwise) is always just the first step for something long-lasting and a serious commitment. Talking about where your relationship is going will reinforce that. Also, keep in mind that it takes effort from both parties to make this work. Put in your share and good things will come your way.

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jazz – who has written posts on Monmac Innovation.